Cannabis legalization in Germany - two-pillar model

1 min
Apr 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Federal Minister of Health Prof. Karl Lauterbach and Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir jointly present new key points. Comprehensive legalization is off the table for the time being. Instead, a 2-pillar model is now planned called the "Club Cultivation & Regional Model".

Aus diesen Eckpunkten ist inzwischen der Entwurf für ein Cannabisgesetz (CanG) in Deutschland geworden.

”The goal remains to control quality, prevent the transfer of contaminated substances, ensure the best possible protection of minors and consumer health, and curb the black market.” German Federal Ministry of Health

Pillar 1: Consumer cannabis cultivation

A "working draft" for Pillar 1 has the overall theme: "Private and communal, non-profit self-cultivation". According to the key points, this would include the following:

  • Non-profit associations ("cannabis clubs") with a maximum of 500 members are allowed. They are allowed to cultivate cannabis for recreational purposes and distribute it to members for personal use, as well as seeds and cuttings for personal cultivation. Minimum age for members: 18 years of age.
  • Distribution limit: 25 grams of cannabis per day, 50 grams per month, 7 seeds or 5 cuttings per month. For those under 21, 30 grams per month.
  • Cannabis consumption is not allowed "on the premises of the association".
  • There is a general ban on advertising for clubs and cannabis. "Factual information" is allowed.
  • Possession without penalty ("carrying in public") for personal consumption up to 25 grams.
  • Decriminalized private personal cultivation includes a maximum of "3 female flowering plants".
  • Anyone who was previously convicted of doing something that is now legal can apply to have it removed from the Federal Central Register.

Pillar 2: Cannabis in model regions

Its overall theme: "Regional model project with commercial supply chains." This is similar to the originally planned law, but limited to a few selected regions. It is a preliminary step towards the ultimate goal of a new regulation for the whole of Europe.

Planned components of this pillar:

  • Companies will be allowed to produce recreational cannabis and sell it to adults through specialized stores.
  • It will be scientifically monitored and the results used to inform further discussions within the EU.
  • The project will run for 5 years.
  • All of this will take place in "model regions" yet to be determined.
Topics: cannabis