Hemp plants – what makes the plant so valuable

6 min
Oct 6, 2024 9:20:13 AM
Hemp plants – what makes the plant so valuable

The hemp plant, also known as cannabis, is one of the oldest and most versatile crops in the world. With a rich history spanning thousands of years, hemp has found its place in various cultures and industries.

From medical applications to the production of textiles and building materials, hemp offers countless possibilities for use. We will give you an overview of the many aspects of the hemp plant, its differences to industrial hemp, its possible uses and the legal situation in Germany.

Hemp secrets: 5 exciting insights

Hemp has the ability to clean contaminated soil! This process is called phytoremediation, in which hemp plants absorb pollutants such as heavy metals from the soil and neutralize them.

Hemp can grow up to 4 meters in just 100 days! This makes it one of the fastest growing plants in the world and an extremely sustainable resource.

One hectare of hemp can produce as much paper as four hectares of forest! And hemp grows back every year, while trees take decades.

The first Levi Strauss jeans were made of hemp fabric. Hemp textiles are extremely robust and durable – perfect for hard-wearing clothing.

In the 17th century, farmers in America could pay their taxes with hemp. Hemp was so valuable that it was accepted as an official means of payment.

Green light for the growing hemp industry

According to the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), the area under industrial hemp cultivation more than tripled in Europe between 2013 and 2018, from around 15,000 hectares to over 50,000 hectares. In Germany, the acreage for industrial hemp has also increased steadily and amounted to around 6,000 hectares in 2022. This increase reflects the growing demand for hemp products, particularly in the food, construction and textile sectors.

A study by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices shows that the number of cannabis patients in Germany has been continuously increasing since the legalization of medical cannabis in 2017.

With the partial legalization of cannabis in 2024, experts expect a further increase in market growth. According to forecasts, the German cannabis market could reach a value of over 7 billion euros by 2028, creating thousands of new jobs. These developments underscore the immense economic and social potential of the hemp plant.

General information about the hemp plant

History and origin

The use of the hemp plant goes back to ancient times. Hemp was valued by various civilizations for its robust fibers, nutritious seeds and medicinal properties. Historical records show that hemp was used in China as early as 10,000 years ago as food and for making clothing and paper.

Botanical characteristics

Hemp belongs to the family Cannabaceae and is a fast-growing, annual plant. It can reach heights of up to four meters and is characterized by its distinctive finger-shaped leaves. A remarkable feature of hemp is its rapid growth, which means that it can reach full maturity in just three to four months.

Plant life cycle

The life cycle of a hemp plant begins with seed germination, followed by the seedling phase, in which the plant develops its first leaves. During the growth phase, the plant gains height and develops a dense leaf structure. The flowering phase is crucial for the development of the flowers, which are rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. Depending on the variety, the entire life cycle can take between two and ten months.

Hemp vs. industrial hemp: What's the difference?

Definitions and differences

While “hemp” is a generic term for all cannabis species, “industrial hemp” refers to specific varieties grown for industrial purposes. The crucial difference lies in the content of the psychoactive cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Industrial hemp has a very low THC content (less than 0.2% in the EU), while other hemp varieties have higher THC concentrations and are used for medical or recreational purposes.


Industrial hemp is mainly grown for its fibers, seeds and oil. These products are used in the textile industry, in construction, in food production and in cosmetics. Hemp varieties with higher THC content, on the other hand, are used for medical or recreational purposes, where they are valued for their psychoactive effects.

Uses of the hemp plant

Medical applications

The hemp plant contains over 100 different cannabinoids, including CBD (cannabidiol) and THC. CBD is known for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties and is used in various therapeutic products. THC is used in medicine to relieve pain, nausea and other symptoms.

Forms of consumption

Hemp can be consumed in a variety of ways. Traditionally, it is smoked or vaporized, whereby the active ingredients are absorbed through the lungs. Alternatively, hemp can be processed into teas, oils, tinctures or foods such as baked goods. Hemp seeds are nutritious and rich in proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Industrial use

Apart from its use as a drug, hemp offers numerous industrial applications. The fibers are used in the textile industry to make clothing, ropes and paper. In construction, hemp serves as an environmentally friendly building material, for example in the form of hempcrete. Hemp is also used in the automotive industry as a light and stable material.

Selecting the right cannabis strain

Indica vs. sativa vs. hybrid

Personal needs and preferences play a crucial role in selecting the appropriate cannabis strain. Basically, a distinction is made between indica, sativa and hybrid strains. Indica-dominant strains are known for their relaxing effect and are well suited for stress reduction and evening use. Sativa-dominant strains tend to have a more energizing and mood-lifting effect, making them ideal for daytime use. Hybrids combine characteristics of both types.


The effect of a cannabis strain depends on its cannabinoid and terpene profile. While THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects, CBD offers non-psychoactive benefits such as relaxation and pain relief. Terpenes influence the aroma and can have synergistic effects on the effect.

Taste and aroma

The taste and aroma of a cannabis strain are determined by the terpenes it contains. Some varieties are characterized by earthy or woody notes, while others offer fruity, floral or spicy flavors. The variety is great, and personal taste plays an important role in the selection.

Growing cannabis plants: growth, flowering and harvesting

Germination and vegetation

Successful cultivation of cannabis plants requires a basic understanding of the different growth phases. Germination is the first step, during which the seed becomes a seedling. In the subsequent vegetation phase, the plant grows rapidly and develops its leaf structure.


The flowering phase is initiated by changing light cycles, depending on the strain and growing conditions. During this phase, the flowers develop, which are rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. Proper care, including nutrient supply and optimal climate conditions, is crucial for a successful yield.

Indoor vs. outdoor growing

When growing indoors, cultivators have full control over environmental factors such as light, temperature, and humidity, which often results in higher yields. Outdoor growing uses natural resources, but is dependent on climatic conditions and offers less control over pests and weather.

Harvest time and yield

Harvest time affects the quality and potency of the flowers. Experienced growers monitor trichome development to determine the optimal time. Yields vary depending on the strain, growing method, and care. Indoor growing with professional equipment can deliver higher yields than outdoor growing.

Sexing cannabis plants

Characteristics of male and female plants

Cannabis plants are dioecious, meaning there are male and female individuals. Female plants produce the coveted flowers with high cannabinoid content. Male plants produce pollen and have fewer cannabinoids.

Significance for cultivation

For the production of high-quality flowers, it is important to identify and remove male plants early to prevent pollination of female plants. Pollinated female plants invest energy in seed production, reducing the quality and quantity of flowers.

How to deal with male plants

Male plants can be used to breed new varieties, but are of little use to the average grower. They should be carefully removed to avoid unwanted pollination.

Legal situation in Germany

Current legislation

On April 1, 2024, a partial legalization of cannabis came into force in Germany. Adults aged 18 and over may possess and cultivate up to three living cannabis plants for their own use. Possession and use of cannabis by minors remains illegal.

Click here for an overview: Buy cannabis legally

Cultivation and possession

When growing your own, make sure that the plants are kept in a safe place that children and young people cannot access. The legal requirements regarding the number of plants and the THC content must be observed.

Acquisition and import of hemp seeds

It is legal to buy and import cannabis seeds from other EU countries, such as Austria, for personal cultivation. However, it is important to be aware of the specific regulations and to ensure that all legal requirements are met.

Buy high-quality cannabis plants

Quality features

When buying cannabis plants, you should always look for the highest quality. Plants grown organically, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, guarantee a pure and natural product.

Sustainable cultivation

Sustainability is playing an increasingly important role. Hemp is an environmentally friendly plant by nature, requiring little water and contributing to soil health. By purchasing organically grown plants, you are supporting environmentally friendly practices.

Safe shipping

Reputable suppliers ship cannabis plants and seeds discreetly and securely. The packaging should protect the plants while also being sustainable. Some suppliers take care to reduce their environmental footprint by using environmentally friendly materials.

The hemp plant is a remarkable crop with a wide range of uses in medicine, industry and recreation. With the new legislation in Germany, many people now have new opportunities for using cannabis. It is important to use cannabis responsibly, to observe legal requirements and to choose high-quality products. The future of the hemp industry promises sustainable innovations and a conscious lifestyle that benefits both individual well-being and the environment.

Further information on the topic: Cannabis, CBD, THC

Topics: cannabis hemp