Healthy nutrition

Welcome to yippy HEALTH, dedicated to providing you with valuable information on healthy nutrition. We understand the importance of nourishing your body with the right foods to achieve optimal health and well-being.

Our team of experts is passionate about guiding you towards making informed choices that will benefit your body and mind. Whether you are looking to improve your energy levels, manage your weight, or boost your immune system, we have the knowledge and resources to help you along your journey. From practical tips on meal planning to delicious and nutritious recipes, we have you covered. Explore our site and discover a wealth of information that will empower you to make positive changes in your life through the power of healthy nutrition.

Added Sugar

In order to enhance the flavor of processed foods, manufacturers often incorporate added sugar. This specific type of sugar is commonly referred to as added sugar. Examples of added sugar include table sugar (sucrose) and syrups like high-fructose corn syrup. It is widely known that consuming excessive amounts of added sugar is detrimental to one’s health. While some consider sugar to be merely “empty” calories, others firmly believe that it elevates the risk of diseases that claim the lives of millions each year.

Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in maintaining optimal health and functioning of the human body. One such omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), derived from animals, constitutes a significant 10-20% of the brain’s total fat content. Insufficient intake of omega-3 has been linked to adverse effects such as decreased IQ, depression, various mental disorders, heart disease, and other serious illnesses. The three primary types of omega-3 fats include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

No Perfect Diet

Everyone is unique, with subtle variations in genetics, body type, physical activity, and environment that can impact the type of diet that suits them best. While some individuals thrive on a low-carb diet, others may find a vegetarian high-carb diet more beneficial. The truth is, what works for one person may not work for another. To discover the ideal approach for you, a little experimentation might be necessary. Explore different options until you discover something enjoyable and sustainable. After all, different people have different preferences and needs!

Nutrition – Weight loss, diet

Eat and drink healthy for more well-being: Everyone knows a healthy diet is an important prerequisite for a healthy and active life. But what characterizes a healthy diet? If you take a closer look at the diet of the Germans, you can see that it is anything but wholesome, healthy and varied.

10 simple tips for a healthy diet

A healthy diet is much more than eating enough fruits and vegetables. These 10 simple tips are the foundation of any healthy lifestyle and can be quickly incorporated into everyday life.

Eat well and feel good – diets for a healthy diet

Nowadays, there is an almost unmanageable range of foods. It is difficult to choose the right products with the right ingredients. However, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for physical health. Varied foods should be purchased that contain all the vital nutrients. Unprocessed and natural foods are best.

Alternative diets

An alternative form of nutrition deviates from the general mixed diet as recommended by the German Nutrition Society, for example. This can become apparent through the omission of certain food components, through the omission of entire food groups, but also through the specific selection of certain ways of preparing the food. The purchase of special products is also included here.

Intuitive nutrition as an alternative

Live healthy with intuitive nutrition and reach the feel-good weight? Mareike Awe from intueat explains to us how this works in our podcast. For those who want to know more, we have also tested the intueat program in detail.

Learn more about intuitive eating: Intuitive Nutrition

Intueat in the test – comparison and experience 2019

Mareike Awe – With intuitive nutrition to a feel-good weight

Goal: Prevent diseases

High-fat, high-sugar and high-salt foods with a low nutrient content dominate the diet. As a result, 6 out of 10 Germans are now too fat. In addition, there are a large number of diseases typical of an affluent society, such as type II diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and gout. At least one third of health care costs result from such diet-related diseases. This can be prevented with the help of a healthy diet and special forms of nutrition such as

  • Hay’s food combining diet
  • Macrobiotics
  • Anthroposophical nutrition

When does alternative nutrition make sense?

Often those affected plague themselves for a very long time until individual complaints are associated with allergies, intolerances or certain diseases. Accordingly, one should keep a close eye on oneself in case of recurring complaints. Information on the individual meals and the occurrence of the complaints are helpful. Ultimately, only the doctor can make a definitive diagnosis. Then treatment options can be tackled, which may include a change in diet.

The most important forms of alternative nutrition

  • Pan fry meals
  • Vegan diet
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Life after Kneipp
  • Diet according to Ayurveda

Reasons for an alternative diet

More and more people think about an alternative to the normal mixed diet. This can happen, for example, when health problems are present or diseases are to be avoided. But also the displeasure about ecological and political conditions in the country or the world can be a decisive reason for an alternative diet. Ethical and religious reasons also determine the conscious decision for or against a certain form of nutrition.

Health reasons

Typical diseases of civilization, such as gout, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, lipometabolic disorders or obesity are the consequences of an unhealthy diet practiced for years. Many concerned humans think at the latest with present illnesses about a change of their nourishing behavior. But also the concern about residues and pollutants in some foods makes many people increasingly reach for “alternatively” produced products.

Ecological and political reasons

The strong environmental pollution lets some humans seize exclusively only ecologically produced food, which comes preferably from the region or directly from the producer is sold. But also the displeasure about the world food policy leads to an increased purchase of exclusively fairly produced food, such as “Fair Trade” products.

Ethical and religious reasons

For ethical reasons, many people reject the killing of animals and therefore also all foodstuffs that contain even small amounts of animal origin. But there are also a number of religious reasons why people decide for or against the consumption of certain foods.

Special diets at a glance

Diet for lactose intolerance

People who suffer from lactose intolerance should keep a few things in mind when it comes to diet.

Low-sodium diet

Those who pay attention to a low-sodium diet avoid salt-containing components of the food.

In case of gluten intolerancey

If you are gluten intolerant, avoid certain ingredients, especially from baked goods.

Low-purine diet

Low-purine diets avoid certain foods to prevent gout and gout attacks.

Diet for phenylketonuria

Phenylketonuria is one of the most common inborn errors of metabolism. A phenylalanine-free diet can help those affected.

Diet for hyperlipoproteinemia

A healthy diet can optimize blood lipids and thus prevent hyperlipoproteinemia.

One should offer something good to the body that the soul may desire to dwell therein., Winston Churchill
