
This is how the legalization process continues

Now that the German government has presented its key points, the task is to implement the two pillars. This requires corresponding draft legislation. Latest update: February 2024


Bundesrat makes another statement

Even if the Federal Council can no longer stop the Cannabis Law, it will still be heard and can comment on it again.

close up of conference meeting microphones

Chancellor and ministers sign

After the law has been passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat, it is printed and presented to the Federal Chancellor and the relevant minister for signature – in this case, the Federal Minister of Health, Prof. Karl Lauterbach.

Close up image of businesswoman hands signing documents

Federal President reviews

The next step is for the law to be presented to the Federal President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. His task is to check whether it has been passed in accordance with the constitution and does not obviously violate the Basic Law. He then signs it and forwards it to the Federal Law Gazette (“Bundesgesetzblatt“).

close up of businessman hands signing contract

Publication in the Federal Law Gazette

The law is promulgated upon publication in the Federal Law Gazette (“Bundesgesetzblatt“). It will automatically apply from the 14th day after publication in the Federal Law Gazette, unless a different date is specified for its entry into force.

Opened book on the table. Close up.

Cannabis decriminalized

The Pillar 1 law comes into force. The private possession and consumption of cannabis is legal within certain limits, including home cultivation and cannabis clubs.

Three bursts of fireworks in proximity
First Half of 2024

Draft for second pillar

A draft law for the second pillar is to be presented by the end of the year. It deals with the planned model regions to test a more comprehensive legalization.

letter signature with an office background
First Half of 2024
First Half of 2024

Submission to the EU Commission

The German government may have to submit the draft for this second pillar to the EU Commission for the official notification procedure. A response is expected three to six months later.

Picture of young community workers with european union flags
First Half of 2024

Cannabis Clubs open

Now that cannabis has been legalized for private use under certain conditions since April 1, 2024, the "cultivation associations", better known as cannabis clubs, are following suit.

Second Half of 2024

Law for second pillar

The EU Commission's feedback is incorporated into a draft law for the “model regions“. 

Businesswoman standing on stage and reporting for audience
Second Half of 2024

Pillar 2 begins

The model projects of the "second pillar" could start. The main question is whether and how quickly the necessary legislation will be passed. If notification to the EU is required, this is likely to delay the project. Once the projects have started, interim results will be presented regularly during the five-year period.

business man in start position ready to run and sprint on athletics racing track

New federal government takes office

The outcome of the federal elections in September will determine whether a more comprehensive legalization of cannabis will be pursued or put on hold. The results of the model projects (Pillar 2) could help to make a new start.

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Success of the law under review

After four years, a review will be conducted to determine whether the law has met expectations. 


End of the model projects

If the cannabis legalization pilot projects begin in 2024, they would continue until 2029 under current plans.

Business person looking at road with question mark sign concept

My name is Jan Tissler, born in wonderful Hamburg, Germany, and now living in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a digital entrepreneur, I have written books, given seminars, and created websites. I am the founder and co-publisher of a digital magazine and learning platform about online publishing, content marketing and much more.


Germany's Cannabis legalization

The decision has been made: Germany completes historic cannabis legalization! Since 01.04.2024 there is a regulated cultivation and personal use. We will report!