Hemp Parade

"Hemp is great for peace and climate"

Germany's Cannabis legalization

The decision has been made: Germany completes historic cannabis legalization! Since 01.04.2024 there is a regulated cultivation and personal use. We will report!


Since 1997

The Hanfparade has been taking place in Berlin since 1997. It is not only the largest but also the oldest hemp parade in Europe, and this year marks its 27th edition.



Due to the impact of Corona, adverse weather conditions, and political turmoil, only around 4000 participants were present last year. However, we are confident that this number will significantly improve.


Regarding Cannabis

A recent survey carried out by the prestigious Allensbach Institute in 2021 unveiled a remarkable shift in public opinion. It revealed that an impressive 64% support the legalization of cannabis.


of the younger generation

Support for legalization exists in all population groups, but it is highest among young people. As such, 77% of individuals aged 18 to 29 are in favor of legalization.

Advocating for the Legalization of Cannabis

Since 1997, the Hanfparade has held a prominent place in Berlin's event calendar. It is one of the world's largest demonstrations for the legalization of cannabis as medicine, raw material, and recreational substance. Every year, thousands of supporters march through the capital to demonstrate their conviction and advance the political dialogue in Germany. This year's motto is "Hanf ist Prima für Frieden und Klima" (Hemp is Great for Peace and Climate).

History and Background

The idea for a Hanfparade originated in Berlin in 1996. The initiators were the "Umherschweifenden Haschrebellen" (Wandering Hash Rebels) and the H.A.N.F. e.V. (Hemp Archive News Forum). The first Hanfparade took place on August 23, 1997, attracting around 10,000 people. The parade was launched in response to Germany's restrictive drug policy, which criminalized cannabis despite its medical and industrial benefits. Since then, the Hanfparade has been held annually, with increasing participation and growing media interest.

The Parade's Objective

The main objective of the Hanfparade is to raise awareness about the positive aspects of cannabis.
This includes:

  • The medical use of cannabis: It is increasingly recognized that cannabis can be a valuable therapeutic option for certain conditions.
  • The industrial uses: Hemp as a plant has numerous applications, from textiles to biodegradable plastics.
  • The decriminalization of cannabis consumers: The Hanfparade advocates for a policy that decriminalizes cannabis consumption and enables regulated, safe, and responsible use.

A Colorful Spectacle

The Hanfparade is not just a political demonstration but also a vibrant celebration. With music, dancers, costumes, and thematic floats, the procession moves through the streets of Berlin, attracting many spectators. Information booths, speeches, and musical performances on the sidelines of the event provide both education and entertainment.


Tolle Stimmung in den Straßen von Berlin

Alle Jahre wieder ziehen die Freunde des Hanfs friedlich und fröhlich durch Berlin.

The Hemp parade

Dieses Jahr startet die Auftaktkundgebung um 12:00 Uhr auf der Spandauer Straße nahe dem Alexanderplatz. Es gibt Reden und Livemusik , die Moderation übernimmt Fabian Steinmetz.

Der Demoumzug startet um 15:00 Uhr und führt u.a. am Reichstag, dem Bundeskanzleramt und dem Gesundheitsministerium vorbei.  Die Parade endet am Ausgangspunkt in der Spandauer Straße.

Die Abschlussveranstaltung beginnt um 18:00 Uhr.  Es gibt Reden und Livemusik auf der Bühne, ein Nutzhanfareal, das Avaay-Forum für Hanfmedizin, das Grünhorn-Areal sowie Infostände und Mitmachangebote.


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