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May 10, 2024 5:28:58 PM

The success story came to an abrupt end at the beginning of the 20th century. What is behind the history of hemp, how is the plant cultivated and what are the possible applications in the field of medicine?

The demand for hemp extracts is unbroken. CBD, CBD oil, dronabinol and HHC are more popular than ever. This gives the impression that hemp cultivation is a new phenomenon. In fact, however, the plant looks back on a long tradition. After all, hemp is one of the oldest cultivated plants of all.

What is commercial hemp?

Hemp is an ancient cultivated plant. Marijuana and hashish are products or parts of the hemp plant and are obtained in different ways. The resinous, dried flowers of the female hemp plant and its small leaves are called marijuana. Hashish is usually the pressed resin from the processed parts of the plant.

In Persia and China, the plant was cultivated as a grain about 12,000 years ago. The yields were used for food and for the production of paper and clothing. The ancient Romans even instigated wars to obtain the valuable commodity. In the 13th century, the hemp plant also gained a foothold in Europe. This was due in particular to the healing properties that were attributed to the plant. War wounds were treated with cannabis leaves. It was also used to treat other physical and psychological ailments.

The fact is, hemp was popular. The first Guttenberg Bible was printed on hemp in 1455. Columbus relied on the valuable raw material when it came to sailcloth and cordage for his ship. Even the first drafts of the U.S. Constitution rested on hemp paper. However, the hemp plant's triumphant advance came to an early end. At the beginning of the 18th century, a cotton machine came onto the market. With it, natural fibers could be produced cheaply from cotton. Mechanical harvesting and processing of hemp was still in the distant future. This made commercial hemp increasingly uninteresting. Not least because another inexpensive raw material was found: jute. While armies were still dependent on hemp clothing during the Second World War, hemp cultivation met its end after the war.

Hemp: uses

Hemp often attracts attention as a narcotic and medicinal product. However, the plant can serve as a raw material for many other products. The fibers in the stalk are extremely resistant. Therefore, they can be used for the production of ropes. In addition, the fibers can be processed into a variety of other products. These include ship sails, varnishes, paper, clothing and other textiles. The advantage here is that the products are particularly durable due to the fiber properties.

Not only the fibers, but also the fruit of the plant is harvested. Due to the high nutritional value and valuable protein, the nut fruits of the hemp plant are popular. The yields known as hemp seeds serve as a snack or can be used as a topping for yogurt, cereal and salad. The seeds combine various vitamins and other nutrients. They also provide an optimal fatty acid composition. Hemp seeds even rival soybeans. They contain a similarly high protein concentration, but are digested better. This is good news for anyone looking for a source of protein.

Possible uses of hemp at a glance

  • Raw material for clothing and other textiles
  • basis for paper production
  • valuable foodstuff in the form of hemp seeds
  • raw material for ship sails
  • useful for the production of varnish

Ingredients of hemp

  • Hemp contains the following ingredients, among others:
  • 45% fats, 28% dietary fiber and 25% protein.
  • Vitamin B: including folic acid, riboflavin and thiamine
  • Stearidonic acid (SDA): serves as a source of omega-3 fatty acids

10 good reasons to use hemp

The German journalist Mathias Broeckers developed the multiplication tables of hemp and impressively showed why hemp for fiber rightly deserves a place among the valuable raw materials. The focus is on the versatility and ecological value of the useful plant.

1 Hemp is a valuable raw material

Hemp has unique properties that contribute to its universal use. No other plant has such versatility.

2. hemp is uncomplicated

The hemp plant does not make great demands. The plant is not picky about the soil or the climate.

3. hemp optimizes the quality of the soil

Hemp is said to improve both soil structure and fertility.

4. hemp is not dependent on pesticides.

The plant can protect itself without outside help. It also puts weeds in their place. A clear 1:0 for the hemp plant.

5. hemp grows at breakneck speed

When something is grown, farmers are naturally interested in bringing in the harvest quickly. With hemp, this is possible because the plant grows quickly.

6. hemp is productive

Hemp is more productive than wood for the same amount of land. In the end, the plant can produce four to five times as much paper.

7. hemp makes recycling possible

Paper made from wood can be recycled, and the same applies to hemp. However, hemp fibers are much more robust. They have a high tensile strength and can be recycled more often.

8. hemp competes with cotton

The plant can also compete with cotton. With regard to the same usable area, it is possible to obtain up to three times as much fiber as with cotton.

9 Hemp makes you feel full

Hemp seeds contain valuable proteins and are easy to obtain. Possibly hemp could decisively support the fight against hunger.

10. hemp as an ecological supporter

Hemp can be used both as biomass and as an energy source. For example, hemp residues can be converted into biogas in a biogas plant. This in turn can be used to generate electricity and heat.

Hemp as intoxicant or drug

Hemp is especially known as an intoxicant. Both the flowers and the resin can be consumed. The spectrum of effects depends on various factors. Thus, the forms of consumption (eating or smoking), the aids (pipe or joint) and the THC content present play a role. The intoxicating effect can also be influenced by the environment, the consumer's expectations and, last but not least, by the individual organism. THC-rich strains lead to various subjective effects, which mainly favor psychological effects. The consumer may experience the following temporary effects:

  • Basic euphoric mood
  • Feeling of serenity and relaxation
  • Discovery of creative potential
  • Feeling of lightness
  • Disturbed short-term memory
  • Altered perception
  • Time passes perceived slower
  • Slowed movements
  • Faster heartbeat
  • Community feeling is intensified (fooling around together)

Most people experience the use of cannabis as beneficial. However, drug abuse also threatens acute and long-term consequences.

Acute risks associated with cannabis use

Cannabis primarily affects the psyche. Consumption is associated with a certain unpredictability of effects. People who have not yet had any experience with the plant or those who use high doses can develop anxiety and feelings of panic. They may also become confused or develop ideas of persecution. Users may describe this as a horror trip. Short-term memory disorders can lead to memory lapses. Communication and physical experience can also be impaired, leading to insecurity.

Long-term risks of cannabis use

If cannabis is used permanently, attention, learning ability and concentration can be impaired. It can also increase the risk of lung cancer. This is due to the fact that tobacco is added during consumption. It has not yet been fully clarified whether cannabis can have a negative impact on the hormone and immune system. In addition to the physical consequences, there is a risk of psychological and social disadvantages. Long-term users can become listless or indifferent to everyday tasks. It is also suspected that cannabis may contribute to psychosis.

Withdrawal from social life is also possible. This is especially the case when dependence exists. There is no doubt that cannabis as an intoxicant can be addictive. With regular use, it is difficult to reduce or completely give up consumption. Withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness and sweating or craving for cannabis can occur.

What is the difference between hemp and cannabis?

Cannabis is the Latin name for hemp. The mere term does not indicate how strongly psychoactive the plant is. Hemp can equally be used as a synonym for intoxicating herb. However, the word cannabis is usually used to describe strains that contain more than 0.2% THC. Rather, the term hemp is used to describe plants that have low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cultivation of such plants is usually aimed to produce products for everyday use.

Hemp: What are the species?

Within the EU, there are 67 varieties of commercial hemp, also known as industrial hemp, that are approved. When it comes to hemp and cannabis, a distinction should always be made between low-THC and high-THC plants. As a general rule, THC-free hemp varieties cannot be used to make intoxicants. They are only suitable for obtaining fibers and seeds to make everyday products.

The European Union has reduced the subsidies with regard to the hemp plant by about one third. However, this does not detract from the crop's success. They can be increasingly admired in German fields. The EU countries allow the cultivation of different varieties. Legal species are listed in the EU catalog of varieties. All varieties have something in common: they do not fall under narcotics, as the content in terms of the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol is below 0.2%. This means that they are automatically commercial hemp.

EU Variety Catalogue: Current legal hemp varieties

A total of 67 hemp varieties are currently listed in the variety catalog for 2020. The varieties Bialobrzeskie and Carmagnola may no longer be cultivated in Germany this year, as they have exceeded the maximum permissible THC content in the last two years.

All hemp varieties 2020 at a glance from A-Z

A: Armanca, Austa SK
B: Balaton, Beniko
C: Cannacomp, Carma, Carmaleonte, Chamaeleon, Codimono, CS
D: Dacia Secuieni, Delta-405, Delta-Ilosa, Denise, Diana, Dioica 88
E: Earlina 8 FC, Eletta Campana, Epsilon 68
F: Fedora 17, Felina 32, Ferimon, Fibranova, Fibrante, Fibrol, Fibror 79, Finola, Futura 75, Futura 83
G: Glecia, Gliana, Glyana
H: Henola
I: Ivory
K: KC Bonucz, KC Dora, KC Virtus, KC Zuzana, KCA Borana, Kompolti, Kompolti hibrid TC
L: Lipko, Lovrin 110
M: Marcello, Markant, MGC 1013, Monoica
O: Orion 33
R: Rajan, Ratza
S: Santhica 23, Santhica 27, Santhica 70, Secuieni Jubileu, Silvana, Succesiv, Szarvasi
T: Teodora, Tiborszallasi, Tisza, Tygra
U: Uniko B, Uso-31
V: Villanova
W: Wielkopolskie, Wojko
Z: Zenit

Growing hemp: Legal situation and requirements

The cultivation of hemp for fiber is regulated in the EU and in Austria. This applies to both variety and seed law issues. As already mentioned, the EU catalog of varieties is authoritative for this. In this case, the hemp varieties do not fall under the Narcotic Drugs Act, as the relevant THC content is not exceeded. With cultivation, seeds, leaves and fibers can be obtained.

In the case of THC-containing flower and fruit stocks, the situation is different. Here, the Narcotic Drugs Act applies for medical or scientific purposes. Traders must also be authorized to produce medicinal products. Source: BMEL Statistics

It takes some time until a variety receives an authorization. First, a thorough examination must take place. In the process, various characteristics are put under the microscope. Only if the result is positive may the variety be officially cultivated.

Hemp cultivation: hemp is undemanding

What makes the hemp plant so particularly interesting for farmers is the fact that it is very undemanding. The plant thrives in almost any soil. It does particularly well on calcareous, humus-rich, deep soils. In addition, the farmland should have sufficient nutrients and an adequate water supply. Hemp plants prefer a pH value in the range of neutral to slightly alkaline. Waterlogging, however, is detrimental to the plant. The hemp plant can even withstand light frost temperatures.

Crop rotation also proves to be problem-free. Hemp grows particularly well in connection with clover grass or legumes. In addition, the plant can also serve as a preceding crop, because it drives out weeds and loosens the soil. Impressive is the size that hemp can reach in a manageable time - the plant can grow up to four meters high.

Hemp as a medicine

Hemp can also serve as a medicine. Varieties that contain a certain amount of THC (dronabinol) come into consideration for this. However, these no longer fall under the category of commercial hemp. Various studies have concluded that the cannabinoids contained in cannabis have soothing properties. While CBD products are said to be particularly effective against inflammation, spasms and anxiety, THC, for example in the form of dronabinol solution, is used to relieve pain.

The advantage is that it is a natural extract. People often wonder in this context whether "stopping dronabinol" becomes a problem. However, some experts emphasize that taking dronabinol probably does not lead to withdrawal symptoms. This is also indicated by various studies. This is due to the fact that THC in the form of drugs is lower and always dosed the same. With cannabis drops, the package insert should always be studied carefully. If there is any uncertainty, the attending physician can help.

Topics: cannabis hemp