National Good Food Network (NGFN)

Healthier, more sustainable, and locally-based food systems

The National Good Food Network (NGFN) is an organization dedicated to transforming the food system in the United States by promoting healthier, more sustainable, and locally-based food systems. The goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background or economic status, has access to fresh, nutritious, and sustainably-produced food. In this article, we will explore the history, mission, and programs of the NGFN, as well as its impact on communities across the nation.

History of National Good Food Network

Established in 2008, the NGFN was created to address the growing concerns about the nation’s food system, particularly the prevalence of unhealthy food options, the decline of local agriculture, and the negative environmental impacts of industrial food production. The organization has since worked tirelessly to support and connect stakeholders in the good food movement, including farmers, consumers, businesses, and policymakers.


The mission of the NGFN is to build a comprehensive network that fosters connections, shares knowledge, and supports initiatives focused on creating a healthier and more sustainable food system. Through collaboration and innovation, the organization strives to achieve lasting change that benefits communities, local economies, and the environment.


The vision of the NGFN is a future where everyone in the United States has access to nutritious, locally-produced food, farmers and food businesses thrive, and sustainable agriculture practices are the norm, ultimately creating a more equitable and environmentally-friendly food system.

Main Programs

The NGFN focuses on four main program areas to achieve its goals:

Farm to School

This program aims to connect schools with local farmers, providing students with fresh, healthy food while supporting local agriculture. It also includes educational components, such as gardening and cooking classes, to teach children about the importance of good nutrition and sustainable food practices.

Healthy Food Access

The Healthy Food Access program works to increase the availability of nutritious food in low-income communities by supporting initiatives such as farmers’ markets, food cooperatives, and community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs.

Sustainable Agriculture

This program supports farmers in adopting environmentally-friendly and economically-viable farming practices, such as organic farming, agroforestry, and regenerative agriculture.

Regional Food Hubs

The NGFN helps establish and strengthen regional food hubs, which are networks of businesses and organizations that coordinate the production, processing, distribution, and marketing of local food products, ultimately making them more accessible to consumers.

How the National Good Food Network Works

The NGFN operates as a central hub, connecting and supporting a vast network of organizations, businesses, and individuals working towards a common goal of a better food system. Through conferences, webinars, workshops, and online resources, the organization facilitates the sharing of knowledge, best practices, and innovative solutions to challenges faced by the good food movement.

Additionally, the NGFN provides technical assistance, funding opportunities, and strategic planning support for organizations and communities working to implement good food initiatives. By leveraging the power of collaboration and collective impact, the network accelerates the pace of change and amplifies the impact of individual efforts.

Importance of National Good Food Network

The work of the NGFN is crucial in addressing the many issues faced by our current food system, including obesity, food insecurity, environmental degradation, and the loss of local food cultures. By promoting a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable food system, the organization contributes to improved public health, stronger local economies, and a more resilient environment.

Success Stories

The NGFN has played a vital role in the success of numerous initiatives across the United States. Here are two examples:

School Nutrition Programs

Thanks to the NGFN’s Farm to School program, many schools across the nation have successfully implemented healthier and more sustainable meal options for their students. By sourcing food from local farmers, these schools not only provide nutritious meals for children but also support local agriculture and teach students about the importance of sustainable food practices.

Supporting Local Farmers

Through the Sustainable Agriculture and Regional Food Hubs programs, the NGFN has helped countless farmers and food businesses adopt more sustainable practices and find new markets for their products. As a result, local food systems are being strengthened, and consumers are gaining increased access to fresh, healthy food options.


The National Good Food Network plays a vital role in transforming our food system for the better. By fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and supporting innovative initiatives, the organization is helping to create a more equitable, healthy, and sustainable food system for all. By getting involved, you can contribute to this important movement and help ensure a brighter future for our communities, local economies, and the environment.


  1. What is the National Good Food Network? The National Good Food Network (NGFN) is an organization dedicated to transforming the food system in the United States by promoting healthier, more sustainable, and locally-based food systems.
  2. What are the main programs of the NGFN? The NGFN focuses on four main program areas: Farm to School, Healthy Food Access, Sustainable Agriculture, and Regional Food Hubs.
  3. How does the NGFN support its network? The NGFN facilitates knowledge sharing, provides technical assistance, funding opportunities, and strategic planning support for organizations and communities working on good food initiatives.
  4. Why is the work of the NGFN important? The NGFN addresses issues like obesity, food insecurity, environmental degradation, and the loss of local food cultures by promoting a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable food system.
  5. How can I get involved with the National Good Food Network? You can get involved by staying informed about their work, joining or starting a local food initiative, advocating for supportive policies, and donating to the NGFN or other organizations working towards a healthier, more sustainable food system. By participating in these efforts, you can contribute to the important movement of transforming our food system for the better.

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